Below wording soon to be updated
If a PI wishes to host a Visitor or Embedded Researcher then the PI must prepare a case. This should be done by filling in a Request to Invite form.
The PI must send the Request to Invite form to his/her Head of Division for approval. Once the Head of Division has signed the form giving his/her approval, it can then be forwarded to the Divisional Administrator. The Divisional Administrator then checks that the form is complete before forwarding it to the Research Office along with a CV. The Director of Research may then approve visits of up to twelve months' duration. The Research Office will then authorise the issue of a letter of invitation and provide the Divisional Administrator with a letter template to edit accordingly and send to the Visitor. The Letter of Invitation must be signed by the Host or PI before it is sent to the Visitor.
If the Visitor is employed by a company (or self-employed), then the Visitor may well be classed as an Embedded Researcher and the conditions governing Embedded Companies may apply.
Visitors and Embedded Researchers are required to sign an agreement governing confidentiality and intellectual property, and to pay a bench fee. The initial invitation must not be for a period of more than one year. Towards the end of the period, the PI may contact the Research Office to request an extension of no more than one year. This request must have the support of the relevant Head of Division in written form.
Visitor Extension Form. The Research Office will present the case for extension to the Director of Research, who will give authorisation.
If a member of staff offers an invitation to a Visitor or Embedded Researcher without following the process described above, then the Visitor/Embedded Researcher will not be admitted to the Department until the process has been completed.
If a Visitor or Embedded Researcher is self-employed or employed by anyone other than the University of Cambridge, then proof of Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance will be requested by the Research and Finance Office. Public Liability Insurance should be to the value of £2M and Professional Indemnity Insurance should be to the value of £500k.
For further information on Insurance within the University please refer to the University's guidelines.
The standard bench fee for Visitors and Embedded Researchers is £1k per month. 20% VAT will be payable unless the visitor is a registered student at their home institution. The Visitors will receive one invoice for the full amount to reduce the administrative burden. If the Visitor stays for a fraction of a month, then the period will be rounded to the nearest half month and the fee charged accordingly. Deviations from this rate should be negotiated with the Director of Research and Finance. Income from the bench fee should be shared equally between the Department and the host division. The Head of Division may choose to pass his/her share to the PI. Additional charges for items such as consumables and the use of major facilities (see below) may be added to the standard fee if appropriate.
For the majority of cases a £200 administration fee will be levied by the Research and Finance Office for all new Visitors and Embedded Researchers. This fee will also apply to all subsequent Visitor and Embedded Researcher extensions. The fee will be requested via the Research and Finance Office and will be paid by the host from either the bench fee collected or from their divisional job number.
The only exception to payment of the administration fee is when the visitor is already a member of staff or a student in the University of Cambridge.
Day visitors may be signed in daily at reception for a period of no longer than two weeks. Day visitors will be accompanied at all times whilst in the Department. The Research and Finance Office administration fee will not be levied on day visitors